Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Server on Fire...

Well, the Turbos are in real demand. Our download server is scratching its limits. I had to limit the download bandwidth to 90% of the overall band width available, since we still have paying customers on the server ;-)

The front-end of the downloads, the Delphi-PRAXiS server is sweating and catching fire. Our administrator has put this new logo on the top bar.
Server on Fire - try again later ;-)

Also interesting, the list of users online today (at noon). It says: 7825 users visited today: 905 registered, 106 hidden, 6814 guests. 1757 uses in the last hour. Below a list of the registered users of the day....
Just an overwehlming list of visitors...

Last, but not least an image of the network traffic on our server :-o
90% steady, at 90MBit/s


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you thing about Bitorrent ?

1:33 PM  
Blogger Daniel "sakura" Wischnewski said...

No, wait for for announcements.

1:59 PM  

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